Friday, December 19, 2014


I HAVE TO SHARE WITH ALL OF YOU...I just got an early Christmas present... I just found out I am a Gemmy WINNER! My journey rosary bracelet will be published in a hardcovered book! I am officially PUBLISHED artist! Yeah!! Wow!! I am excited!! None of this would have happened if I hadn't gotten cancer!! God is awesome!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


I am having some major computer difficulites at the moment... so please be patient... new images are on their way, we hope!
Any one know who the patron Saint of computer problem is? Maybe PJP2?? Please pray for us!!
Have an awesome Advent!!
I would say Enjoy and check out our website... but.... its not there... so Enjoy past posts!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Autumn Tunnel

Full circle - Autumns Tunnel - congrats Rosana H!! Perfect for celebrating the Holy Immaculate Conception! Enjoy!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Summer Breeze

Lets remember and embrace that summer night breeze... I am excited to use these pieces in a metal configuration to be revealed in November 2015 Enjoy!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Spring Awakenings

This image seemed to come very late last year... lets hope not for this year...  winner of this print is Deb D! Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Winter Hollow...

This series reflects on the seasons of our life... something we all do this time of the year. The winner of the Winter Hollow is Heather S. Enjoy!!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Glory to God in the Highest!

Glory to God in the Highest.... here comes the beautiful season of Advent preparing us for our KING! Congrats to Marina F on this win! Enjoy!!


Monday, December 1, 2014

Be the reflection of the Light of Christ

May we shine with the Light of Christ upon us! The winner of this print is Abbey Rusch! All these prints are available for purchase; proceeds will financially aid those who are struggling w cancer and the debt it brings (without signiture across the front).  Happy December!! Enjoy!!


Friday, November 28, 2014

Let the Preparation begin!

As we begin our journey into Advent... we we always seek the Light - find the angels in this life to bring us to Christ. The winner of this print is David F. This painting is available for purchase... as are all the paintings being posted.


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Stinky Feet - Whew!

Baby's feet are so sweet... My mom would play w my children smelling their little toes and exclaiming "Stinky feet!" hence the name of this painting... little tiny 5 week old stinky feet. This image is my great niece's feet. Enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving!!


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Kiss those cheeks...

Now for today's painting reveal - 
Baby Cheeks... focusing on family with Thanksgiving upon us... Enjoy your family!!


Answer revealed...

Okay - the answer... the fruit painting is under all those words... look closely you will see the apple, pineapple, banana, grapes, etc... pretty cool! Enjoy!!
You can go to the Drawcast app to see how the drawing is done... look up artist L^2 - that's me!

Similiar but NOT the same - whats different?

Apparently King James version has a slightly different listing of the fruits of the Holy Spirit Find the differences? The winner of this print - Laurie C! What is the same? Can you tell? Enjoy!!

Please visit our website for other available paintings and inspired ideas...

Finally - another winner exposed!

Here is an epainting reflecting the gifts of the Holy Spirit.The winner of this painting is .... Judy S!! Now does anything about this drawing look familiar?
I will post two others since I had difficulty this week in posting the images...
Enjoy! for more wonderful inspired creations!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Luscious fruit!

Keeping w the nature theme... yummy summer fruit (winter arrived a bit too early for me!) BUT keep this hand-painted image handy and see if you can find it again.... :) I just love puzzles and riddles!!  Winner of this print - David F! ENJOY!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

I question - YOU Answer!!

Hey Ag Soc family - just asking some questions... getting some answers...
Do you like seeing procession pieces, ie works in progress to see how they were made? Or would you rather just see the final piece and not worry about the ins and outs of how it became? Please let me know!!!

Playful Peeking...

Keeping on a summer theme... we have a peeking gold fish... love this print! It was inspired while painting w a friend up north! The winner of this whimsical print is David F... congrats! Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Salmon Mums

I thought we could use a little flowers today in lieu of all the snow people are experiencing... These mums were a gift given to me in the spring! Happy Thoughts! The winner of this print is Toni R! Congrats! Enjoy!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Now for the Gallery Winners!!

You are most welcome to purchase one of these original print if you would desire. The $20 will directly to an organization that helps families financially that suffer from cancer. Please contact via the website  Another option, if you like these paintings or any image or photograph it can be used in a beautiful piece of art wear.

The winner of this beautiful print which holds lovely memories of Hawaii --- entitled HI Sunset!! --- Tammy B. ENJOY!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Final Winning Grand Prize!

Final big prize based on purchases... I pray you enjoy this Madeline!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

We have another winner!!

Happy Friday!! Another winner was awarded this sterling silver hand crafted bracelet! Enjoy Marina!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

More gifts to be won!!

The following prize were awarded in a drawing based on purchases... the first winner of this fun ring is Heather S!! Yeah!! Enjoy!!...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Saturday's night winner!!

Saturday's night door prize Winner from the Ag Gala is Mary Anne FH - enjoy!! Thank you for  your faithful support!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Post Gala Celebrations - the winners!!

Good Morning Everyone!
Still recovering from our big Ag Art Gala this past weekend - the studio is just about back in place... now for the post paper work of the show!
We had many available drawings from the evening so I thought I would start with those winners each day and then move into the art pieces including but not limited to the paintings (which also had winners!) The first door prize winner from Friday night is LuAnne M! Congrats and thanks for coming out and celebrating w us!


Friday, November 7, 2014

Come and Celebrate!! Great Agape Gift Gala!!

Let's celebrate with all kinds of wine toppers... come out and celebrate with us tonight. Contact me privately if you are interested in joining us! All kinds of fun stuff! Enjoy!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Let's celebrate!

Surprise!! A great way to celebrate... with decorative one of a kind wine toppers!! All hand crafted! I have been working on this idea for couple years, prior to joyful journey - Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Final Peek!

OK last try - what is this? Any guess on the material? Can you even figure out WHAT it is? hmmm What is it? Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

2nd Clue on the Last week before EVERYTHING is revealed!

2nd Clue for the Guess the Gift - this on is special AND different from the rest... got any ideas??? I am excited to to share... reveal this creations... it has been years in the making! Enjoy!

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Week begins before the BIG...

Now we start the week into the final days before the big annual Agape Gifts GALA!! Now all the physical prepping begins... no worries for you, just come and enjoy!!
We continue w the Ag Gala - Guess the Gift!! What would this turn out to be? ENJOY!

Friday, October 31, 2014

O Hallowed Eves.... Pray for us!

Happy O Hallowed Eves... May all the Saints before us pray for us!
Since it is upon a Holy Day - ALL SAINTS - as most know one of my favored Holy Days!
I will give you a direct mystery reveals for The Guess the Gift today!!
I love these rings they are very unique and cool - very popular piece to get comments as they still on my design table!
ONLY ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL THE GALA!!! Heavenly Saints pray for our ministry!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

THE BIG REVEAL!! Come and see!

OK the big reveal - are you surprised? Is it what you thought it was? Tell me... I love to hear how the eye and brain works together... the puzzle of the amazing human body connecting the dots... or in this case pictures.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What's your bend on this piece?

Hump Day - clue # 3
With this clue can you figure out how you would use this piece? I am sure you are putting together the use of material now... Guess the Gift continues to reveal tomorrow - stay tuned.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Tuesday's clue... hmmm... what is that white shiney things... actually has a sheen. It will be very stunning when revealed!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Yes - Yes it is Agape Gift Gala Game time - Guess the Gift!!!

HAPPY MONDAY!! The Agape Gift Gala Game - Guess the Gift! continues....
Here is clue #1 for this week!
OK - what is it? Glass? Stone? What is that 'stuff'? How would you wear this?
Come on - play along!

Friday, October 24, 2014


HAPPY FRIDAY!! 2 weeks from the Gala!! 14 Days!!!
Now you have to have the back as nice as the front - otherwise known as reversible! You can wear this pendant either way! Enjoy!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


The Agape Gift Gala Game - Guess the Gift REVEALED
So what do you think? Is it what you thought it was going to look like? It is compromised of textured mixed metals; brass, copper, nickel and aluminium held together w rivets (husband's favorite cold connect). The textiles are leather and metallic sequined hand corded yarn. Pretty cool, uh? I was very pleased with the outcome! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What does this bend tell you?

Hump Day - clue # 3
With this clue can you figure out how you would use this piece? I am sure you are putting together the use of material now... Guess the Gift continues to reveal tomorrow - stay tuned.

A circular clump of rings!

Clue #3 - Agape Gifts Gala Game - Guess the Gift!
Ok - so you are seeing metal... can you tell what kind? Can you figure how the three images meld together? No tricks this time... all the same pov. What is it?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wow! Look at all the shapes!!

Good Tuesday morning AG social media fam!
Ag Gala Game - Guess the Gift!! Clue number #2
Can you guess the material? The media used? Hmmm... give you a hint... it is very pretty!
check out our facebook page...

Monday, October 20, 2014


GOOD MONDAY MORNING! Hope everyone is staying dry; drinking a nice cozy warm beverage on this very fall morning...

Gala Game Piece continues... so we will have another reveal this week... let me know what you think... what is it... what is the material... any nice comment will do!! Don't forget to share our page w your family and friends...

Friday, October 17, 2014


                                                Three different elements - all in one beautiful pin.
The drawing is an original inspired by gifts given to me from my pen pal in England when we visited last year. The metal is embossed copper with key images - keys to our hearts from over the pond! We have been corresponding for a very long time! And the back is a polymer to set the pin w a signiture to denote the drawing is an Laura Langlois original and AG stamp to brand it is an Ag design.
This piece was given as a gift to a friend who just found out she has cancer... letting her know angels are watching over her (and yes she is at CTCA!). There are other pieces in this format at the show this year...